EScoP Nephropathology Course, Ankara, Turkey, 26-28th November, 2015 – 3rd circular announcement

By 16. rujna 2015. listopad 13th, 2015 Novosti
Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the EScoP Nephropathology Course which
will be held in the Department of Pathology, Ankara University Medical
School on 26-28th November, 2015. We are very proud to host the course as
it is going to be the first EScoP course in the field of Nephropathology.
Course faculty comprises three distinguished speakers; Dr. Ian Roberts,
Oxford, Dr. Helmut Hopfer, Basel and Dr. Kerstin Amann, Erlangen  who are
experts in the field of Nephropathology. The speakers will be giving
lectures followed by practical microscopy of virtual slides and interactive
discussion of the cases. The number of participants will be limited to 50
pathologists. Scientific programme is attached.

We would be very happy to have you in Ankara, the Capital of Turkey located
in the heart of Anatolia.

Scientific secretary:
Ass. Prof. Saba Kiremitci
Ankara University Medical School, Pathology Department
Phone: 00 90 506 6722789
Fax: 00 90 312 3106370

*Course fee:** 100 Euros / 350 TL (Turkish Liras)*
*Account details:*
İş Bank Mithatpaşa Branch, Branch Code: 4228
“Ankara Pathology Society İktisadi İşletme” account

TL account:
IBAN TR31 0006 4000 0014 2280 9851 50  Account No: 4228 985150

Euro account:
IBAN: TR77 0006 4000 0024 2283 3851 64  Account number: 4228 3385164

*Please do not forget to write your name in the statement/comment box.*

See you all in Ankara,
Ass. Prof. Saba Kiremitci & Prof. Dr. Arzu Ensari



