Thank you for responding to the 1st Circular Announcement of the International Conference & ICT Workshop: “Improving Pathology Teaching”, which will be held on October 22nd – 23rd, 2015, in Athens. The two events are organized in the context of the European funded Project entitled HIPON – “ICT e-modules on HistoPathology: a valuable online tool for students, researchers and professionals” (
The 2nd Circular Announcement includes information regarding the publication of the events’ official program and practical information for the participants, as well as the official poster of the double event.
The program of the International Conference and ICT Workshop is finalized. The main topics of the International Conference are:
– Pathology Teaching
– Modern and ICT education strategies
– Quality assessment in education
– Technology affordances and limitations
The International Conference will be divided into three sessions. The first session will be related to modern teaching approaches in Pathology based on experiential learning, as implemented in HIPON lifelong learning program; representatives of the HIPON project educational partners and, more specifically, from the University of Athens, the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and the University of Zagreb School of Medicine will participate.
In the second session, partners from the Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University will refer
HIPON International Conference & ICT Workshop
Scientific Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andreas C. Lazaris
to the limitations and possibilities of ICT in learning and educational methods. Moreover, in this session, the results from the pilot testing phase of HIPON in Greece will be presented.
However, the third and final session will concentrate on oral presentations from the public, regarding the main topics of the conference.
HIPON – Improving Pathology Teaching – 2nd circular announcement (pdf)